Yard Work and Gardening: Alleviate Muscle Pain this Spring

It is that time of year again when the temperatures begin to rise, and spring rains begin to fall. This time of year is also for those who get into gardening and yard work. That is the good news. The bad news is, that this type of action often involves bending, digging, kneeling, reaching, carrying, and other physical tasks and movements. Yes, this is a labor of love and an investment of our time and effort. The question is, are you ready to deal with the inevitable aches, pains, and soreness that go along with yard work and gardening? If you are looking for a chiropractor for your muscle pain and body aches, then the caring and professional chiropractic team at the Chiropractic Wellness Center can help.

Chiropractic Care for Yard Work and Gardening Muscle Pain and Aches

How many of us don't use the proper bending and lifting techniques when doing yard work or working in the garden? How many of us don't overextend our reach, get on our knees, or put our bodies in awkward positions?

Fortunately, chiropractic treatment and care can help alleviate that muscle pain, those sore necks, shoulders, and backs, and can help your body recover from your worthwhile efforts. It is people like you that make our Newcastle communities beautiful, and our homes shine, so thank you for your labor of love and green thumbs.

From therapeutic massage or manual manipulations to corrective exercises and more, chiropractic care can not only help alleviate muscle pain and aches, but also help restore your mobility and flexibility, and reduce stiffness. If you are working on making your home beautiful this spring, then plan on getting the care and treatment you will need when the work is done.

Chiropractic Care in Newcastle

Do you have questions about chiropractic care, or would you like to learn more about how a chiropractor could help with your aches, pains, or injuries, and with effective and safe pain relief solutions? Then our experienced and professional team at the Chiropractic Wellness Center in Newcastle can help. Contact us to find out more and schedule a consultation for the pain relief and care your body needs and deserves today.

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Reviews By Our Satisfied Patients

  • "Dr. Maxwell and her team are really great. I love that she takes the time to really figure out what is going on with me and genuinely CARES about my health and well-being. I have been going to her for years. I had been hurting SO badly with chronic pain due to illness and debilitating migraines and she got me in right away, and adjusted me gently since it had been a while; even this gentle (but thorough) adjustment had me feeling 100times better than I've been for weeks. I can't brag enough. I have always felt so good after her adjustments. I'll be making the drive from Mukilteo to Newcastle just to continue to receive treatment from her and Dr Stephanie every week."
    Jenn W. Newcastle, WA

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